Internal Dialogue V Conscious-Unconscious Dialogue by Peter J Wright

Arguably they could be one and the same – and yet to my mind – Internal dialogue is much more associated with the way we talk to ourselves on the inside; sometimes actually have audible conversations; very often presenting as the ‘second’ and every subsequent point of view; and of course that damning, “critical” voice.

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Who’s In Charge In Your Life? by Jessica J Lockhart

Who's In Charge In Your Life? by Jessica J Lockhart

Whatever we chose to do in life, we chose it because we expect to gain something in exchange. If I snap at my daughter when she does something wrong, I do it because I expect her to change her behavior. When I let others tell me what to do, I accept it because I expect them to guide me better than I would. When I drink too much it is because I want to forget or have fun. We all do it. We do things because we expect rewards: good ones or bad ones, pleasure or pain. We do things to obtain pleasure. We do things to avoid pain. We provoke situations that will hopefully yield what we think we want or need. A baby cries when asking for something. An adult insults, teases or praises others because he or she wants something, too.

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63 Ideas to Get Rid of Depression – Take Charge of Your Brain by A.B. Curtiss

63 ideas to get rid of depression

No matter what kind of depression you have, the pain is the same-caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. No matter what you’re depressed about, or even if you don’t know why you’re depressed, there are some simple things you can do to reduce your pain and anxiety, and get yourself feeling better.

Simple cognitive behavior techniques and exercises can lessen pain and stimulate more productive thinking. Low-key physical and mental activity can also speed recovery.

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Gratitude Challenge Part 2: The Results

Gratitude Challenge Part 2 The Results

A month ago exactly I set myself the challenge to write in my gratitude journal every day for 30 days. I said I would let you know how it went so here it goes! Although I did not fully complete the challenge (I wrote only 23 days out of 30 – scroll down to find out what went wrong), I am happy to report that I have felt the positive effects of the exercise.

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How to fight depression using coaching techniques

A couple of weeks ago I attended the Ultimate Leadership Program of Ed J C Smith for the second time. It is a 4 day full-on seminar where you learn coaching techniques that you can then use on yourself and others to improve yours and their lives. It is all about becoming the best version of yourself.

I have spoken about this before; this is a place where I have learnt some amazing techniques that have helped me fight depression. This is why I wanted to share this experience with you in the hope that it might help you too.

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