Depression – Can Pets Help Treat It? By George N Anderson

People who are suffering from temporary or permanent depression may find solace in their pets. For centuries, some animals, mainly dogs, have been mankind’s best friends. Therefore, psychiatrists and psychologists suggest getting a pet to help relieve mental stress and reduce depression symptoms.

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The Greatest Victory Is the First Step By Steve Wickham

Having suffered an ailment for several months, and having accepted it, it was by pure chance that someone suggested something that addressed the ailment. It reminded me of the times when more serious ailments had afflicted me, like depression, and those moments when finally, I would realise what was causing my irrational and seemingly irresolvable irritation.

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Depression, Low-Blood Sugar and Allergies By Doug Setter

How much of depression is biochemical? How much is psychological?

Well, the mind can effect the biochemistry of the body and vice versa. In her book, Seven Weeks to Sobriety, researcher, Dr. Joan Mathews Larson describes the frequency that hypoglycemics experience certain symptoms:

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What If You Could Control An Illness With Your Mind? By Nicole Lawler

Most people are very well-aware of the power of suggestion. There is scientific proof that we have the potential to use our minds to heal us of illness. What was once considered pseudoscience is no longer. An example of this is the placebo effect.

As stated in an article from Harvard Men’s Health Watch called The Power of the Placebo Effect, “Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. The idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing – the so-called placebo effect – and thus stimulate healing has been around for millennia. Now science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.” So in essence, the placebo forms the suggestion that the body can heal, which then creates the intention for the body to heal itself. And everything that we experience in life begins first with an intention.

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How To Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones By Sergei VanBellinghen

How To Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones By Sergei VanBellinghen

Habits are one of the hardest things to break or get rid of, and yet, if you know how to replace bad habits with good ones, you can mould and create a better you which give you better opportunities in business and life. It may somehow look complicated but is not an impossible feat to achieve.So what does it take to make the switch?

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How to stop screwing yourself over – Mel Robbins

In “How to stop screwing yourself overMel Robbins tells in just a few minutes how to get exactly what you want! Enjoy 🙂

Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America.

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Finding Happiness – How to Release Yourself From Being Emotionally Numb by Rosina S Khan

Finding Happiness - How to Release Yourself From Being Emotionally Numb

Life may have thrown snowballs at you for a very long time. While trying hard to see the silver lining behind every cloud, you may have become exhausted and emotionally numb. Is there a way out? Read on to find out.First of all, you should be happy where you are before you can go where you want to be. Try cheering up yourself by appreciating the beauty of mother nature, reading a good book or watching a funny movie. Break off the emotional numbness and come out.

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