The Simple Cure for Loneliness | Baya Voce | TEDxSaltLakeCity

Reality Isn’t What You Think! How Cognitive Distortions Harm Us By Darlene Lancer

We all see reality through a personal lens shaped by our beliefs, culture, religion, and experiences. The movie “Roshomon” was a brilliant example of this, where three witnesses to a crime recount different versions of what happened. When couples argue, they usually can’t agree on the facts of what happened. Additionally, our mind tricks us according to what we think, believe, and feel. These are cognitive distortions that cause us unnecessary pain.

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Why The Greatest Mistake Is To Believe We Are Powerless And Without A Choice By Tony Fahkry

Cultivate Our Power Through Informed Choices

Do you believe you have the power to influence your life? Or do you consider yourself dragged along by life’s forces? This is an important question because your beliefs will dictate how your life plays out. For instance, I was talking with a friend recently who mentioned how they’ve never made a conscious choice about the direction of their life. They were merely showing up every day hoping life plays out in their favour. What struck me about the conversation is that many people are convinced they are powerless to create their life circumstances, preferring to leave it to chance. That is, they have not learned how to consciously create ideal conditions for their life. Similarly, many consider life is separate to them and that irrespective of their choices, things don’t always work out as planned. I find this interesting because it highlights the power of our beliefs.

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How to Choose a Meditation By Tom Ball

Why is the Buddha smiling? Because it’s finally happened: meditation is mainstream.

Of course, the true “Buddha mind” finds reason to smile from within and is said to be unfazed by such spacetime frivolities as cultural trends, but surely the “enlightened” among us, whoever they are, must be encouraged that meditative practices are being taken up in boardrooms of corporate America, taught at YMCAs, introduced to schoolchildren around the world and even advocated within the military.

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Bring Your Health Back to Life by Breaking the Self-Sabotage Cycle By Nicole Dennison

Self-sabotage has been dubbed ‘the enemy within.’ I agree.

It’s self-defeating behavior that we use to solve or cope with a problem that ends up causing new problems. Bigger headaches. Greater stress. More worry.

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