How To Improve Your Wellbeing At Work

There are a number of ways to improve your wellbeing at work. Today I wanted you to hear the advice of a specialist, Becca Brown, Health and Wellbeing Coach, who advises companies on how to improve the wellbeing of their employees. If you are struggling with stress at work, this interview is for you!

How To Improve Your Wellbeing At Work

Here is a high level summary of what we covered in the interview (with the timing so you can jump straight to what you are most interested in ;)):

  • Becca’s own health and wellbeing journey – 1’10”
  • why it is important to feel good at work – 12’29”
  • how to set boundaries with your manager – 15’20”
  • how to convince your manager that looking after yourself is in their interest – 21’30”
  • what can people do to improve their wellbeing at work – 22’50”
    • setting boundaries
    • creating space
    • talking
    • have the right set up at home – 32’40”
  • the impact of working from home on our wellbeing – 30’05”
  • what employers can do to support their employees’ wellbeing – 33′
    • corporate yoga online
    • massages on site (or non-locked down periods!)
    • keep the team’s moral up
    • reiki / relaxation sessions (can be done online)
  • it’s normal to have mental health issues! – 42’15”
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The interview is long so do not hesitate to speed it up! You can change the playback speed on YouTube in the settings of the video 🙂

Further resources

If you want to find out more about Becca, you can find her on Instagram at @beccabrown7 or visit her beautiful website

If you have enjoyed this interview, you might also like to watch:

Try Becca’s advice to improve yourwellbeing at work and let me know how you get on

Have you tried following Becca’s advice? Did it work well for you? I’d love to hear your stories. Let me know in the comments.

And remember, happiness is a choice, and you are in charge!

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1 thought on “How To Improve Your Wellbeing At Work”

  1. Indeed, we often do not pay attention to our mental health and emotional state.
    We think it is just a bad mood 😉
    We are not aware that it can become chronic if we do not take the necessary measures.
    But when internal problems accumulate, we become less effective in our daily life. Also health problems appear ! As you said, our body and mental state are closely related.
    Therefore, we need to cleanse our mental waste as much as we need to cleanse our body of toxins.
    Taking care of yourself should really come first, unfortunately often we realize this too late.
    Thanks for this interview !


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