Workplace Mental Health: 5 Practical Ways To Support Employees

Workplace Mental Health 5 Practical Ways To Support Employees

If you are a line manager, dealing with workplace mental health is not always straightforward, especially if this isn’t something you have been exposed to personally. In this article I share with you how my line manager and I worked it out together and got the best possible result: full recovery and high performance, and the practical actions to take so you can achieve the same.

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You Can Only Help Someone, Who Wants Your Help – But Do Your Best! By Richard Brody

Many people possess certain, specific, emotional, and/ or mental issues, which, if left unaddressed, often, become far more severe, challenging, and potentially, dangerous. Whether this stems from some mood disorder, anger issues, being bipolar (to a minor or major degree), or anything else, the reality is, we can only help someone else, no matter how much we care about, or love them, or really want to help them, if, and when, they want the help, and make the decision, to enhance their personal existence.

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Ways to Spice Up Sex Life When One of the Partners Is Depressed By Barbara Odozi

Depression is a debilitating disorder. It affects the suffering person’s normal life, be it work, relationships as well as physical and psychological health. Depression is also a spoiler for sex life as the two do not mix well. It impacts the libido and a depressed partner might have a non-existent sex drive. The orgasms might elude as fatigue and lack of enthusiasm prevail.

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The Purpose Of Our Life Is To Contribute By Andrea Scarsi

The purpose of our life is to contribute to helping us all to grow as conscious and responsible human beings, and this includes guiding us to discover and accept the purpose of our life; inspiring us to feel more motivation, energy, and passion; helping us to abandon weakening relationships and attitudes, and building a loving support network. We also teach ourselves to achieve a stable financial abundance by doing what we love to do and encourage us to make an authentic contribution to humanity and life in general; to finally experience the kind of reality that we always knew was our destiny to live. We are here to express and share our creative gifts and talents, to give and receive love, and be happy.

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