Being Authentic, Not Perfect By Dr. Kausthub Desikachar

The quote we often grew up hearing in school is “Practice makes perfect”. We are all unique individuals with distinct potentials and capabilities that need to be respected and nourished in an individualized manner. So our quest is not be perfect, as defined by an external reference, but rather to be authentic to our true Self. This is true not just regarding how we look, but more importantly, how we feel and how we express our feelings and potential.

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Don’t Get Lost in the Chaos By Marcy Lapinsky

The last several years have been one long blur for me and my family. One disaster after another popped up in a seemingly unending succession. I lost three close family members and several beloved pets to death in five short years. Still reeling from the last loss, I found myself suddenly and unexpectedly having to deal with a family member with an addiction and all the problems that go along with it, including taking in and caring for her children. If that wasn’t enough, my husband and I had health problems, some serious, that had to be attended to, leaving us feeling like we practically lived in waiting rooms of one sort or another.

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